In 2015, one of our neurologists traveled to Haiti for the first time with an organization that runs an orphanage. Haiti has the greatest need for medical care in the western hemisphere, so it did not surprise him to find neurology patients desperately needing help. He was particularly touched by one patient who had had an EEG performed in Haiti but read by a physician in the US. This gave him the idea to apply teleneurology advances in other developing countries.
After researching, and designing a website, INS was about to have two EEGs donated, and in September 2016, a team traveled to Kenya to set up the machines and train four EEG technicians.
We then trained a national physician in Haiti with an organization to be the EEG tech. We developed a solar powered EEG system that can go into villages and treat people who are truly outcasts from epilepsy. We even met a 15 year old boy that has never been to school. He actually tried to go one day and he had a seizure and fell in the dirt. No one would touch him for fear of contracting the disease. They though he was possessed with evil spirits and the teacher asked him to never return. He later had a seizure and fell in a fire and obtained a horrible burn to his left thigh. This little boy had the worst case of absence epilepsy we had ever seen. We started him on medications and he is doing much better today.
In March of 2017, INS traveled to Tanzania to another remote medical hospital. We have now perfected our solar powered system and have a rugged solar powered laptop base EEG system that can literally go anywhere in the world. We trained 3 techs to do the tests, and then traveled to a village that is only accessible by water. We saw 22 people with seizures. only 2 of them had ever seen a doctor even though some of them had been tortured with seizures for over 30 years. Nobody was currently on medications. We did 6 EEGs using only the sun for power. The laptop still had 100% power by the end of the day. The only medication was Phenobarbital, but everyone who has returned even months later was seizure free. This changed peoples lives. One man who had severe anger issues with frontal lobe epilepsy is seizure free and was even able to join a choir.
Please partner with International Neurology Services as we are truly transforming lives.